Dip net for Cisco fish on the east side of Bear Lake at dawn. Traditionally “Cisco Beach” is the best place to go. State Park entrance fee applies but is well worth it. You’ll also need to have a Utah fishing license. Bring your BIGGEST little Cisco fish to the Utah State Park Marina. Winners announced at the Awards Ceremony. Cisco Fishing Systems, Ltd. is a Cleveland, Ohio based company, whose mission is to be successful by effectively utilizing the philosophies of high quality, advanced techniques and customer service. We are an internationally recognized brand name which recognizes providing high quality products at very competitive prices as well as our Fish With Jim Outfitters operates year round and provides quality guided fishing trips in Northern Michigan. Fish Torch Lake, Grand Travers Bay, Lake Skegemog, Thumb Lake, Bear Lake, Burt Lake, Mullett Lake, Jordan River, Boyne River, Bear River, Boardman River in Northern Michiagn for King Salmon, Coho Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Steelhead, Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Walleye and Perch.