Vendor non-trade receivables 中文

trade receivables 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 In the context of trade receivables financing, debtor notification forms the mechanism for binding the account debtor. non-trade receivables

long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。 Credit memos were created to calculate the amounts owing to suppliers irrespective of whether they trade or non-trade payables in the same Accounts Payable. This creates a problem where it is difficult to ascertain the correct amount in these different categories from the generated reports. trade receivables 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 In the context of trade receivables financing, debtor notification forms the mechanism for binding the account debtor. non-trade receivables long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。 What is the meaning of trade receivables in Chinese and how to say trade receivables in Chinese? trade receivables Chinese meaning, trade receivables的中文,trade receivables的中文,trade receivables的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Trade receivables are amounts billed by a business to its customers when it delivers goods or services to them in the ordinary course of business. These billings are typically documented on formal invoices , which are summarized in an accounts receivable aging report . This report is commonly us

Credit memos were created to calculate the amounts owing to suppliers irrespective of whether they trade or non-trade payables in the same Accounts Payable. This creates a problem where it is difficult to ascertain the correct amount in these different categories from the generated reports.

long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。 Credit memos were created to calculate the amounts owing to suppliers irrespective of whether they trade or non-trade payables in the same Accounts Payable. This creates a problem where it is difficult to ascertain the correct amount in these different categories from the generated reports. trade receivables 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 In the context of trade receivables financing, debtor notification forms the mechanism for binding the account debtor. non-trade receivables long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。

Accounts receivable discounting[edit]. Non-recourse factoring should not be confused with making a loan. When a lender 

Definition of non-trade receivable: An investment that should be converted to cash in a year after the investment had started. Dictionary Term of the Day Articles Subjects BusinessDictionary Business Dictionary Dictionary Toggle navigation. Uh oh! You're not signed up A non-trade invoice is a document, another type of invoice, issued for those transactions that are not directly related to the company’s operations or production. As we are all aware, invoices are given when there is a direct exchange of mutual agreement for a purchase of product or taking advantage of a particular service. First, Receivables may be classified as either trade receivables or nontrade receivable. Trade receivables are amounts owed to the business for credit sales of goods, or services. Nontrade receivables are amounts owed to the business for other than business transactions. For example, personal loans to employees are nontrade receivables. long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。 Credit memos were created to calculate the amounts owing to suppliers irrespective of whether they trade or non-trade payables in the same Accounts Payable. This creates a problem where it is difficult to ascertain the correct amount in these different categories from the generated reports. trade receivables 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 In the context of trade receivables financing, debtor notification forms the mechanism for binding the account debtor. non-trade receivables

What is the meaning of trade receivables in Chinese and how to say trade receivables in Chinese? trade receivables Chinese meaning, trade receivables的中文,trade receivables的中文,trade receivables的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by

A non-trade invoice is a document, another type of invoice, issued for those transactions that are not directly related to the company’s operations or production. As we are all aware, invoices are given when there is a direct exchange of mutual agreement for a purchase of product or taking advantage of a particular service. First, Receivables may be classified as either trade receivables or nontrade receivable. Trade receivables are amounts owed to the business for credit sales of goods, or services. Nontrade receivables are amounts owed to the business for other than business transactions. For example, personal loans to employees are nontrade receivables. long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。 Credit memos were created to calculate the amounts owing to suppliers irrespective of whether they trade or non-trade payables in the same Accounts Payable. This creates a problem where it is difficult to ascertain the correct amount in these different categories from the generated reports. trade receivables 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 In the context of trade receivables financing, debtor notification forms the mechanism for binding the account debtor. non-trade receivables long-term notes , accounts and overdue receivables 你這是把中文類別翻譯成英文的,你有英文科目翻譯成中文的嗎?我這裡有好幾個翻譯出來很奇怪的東西,例如“625 · Dues and Subscriptions”,“628 · Travel Expense”“662 · Travel”,“520 · Contract Labor”等等。 What is the meaning of trade receivables in Chinese and how to say trade receivables in Chinese? trade receivables Chinese meaning, trade receivables的中文,trade receivables的中文,trade receivables的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by

Trade receivables are distinguished from nontrade receivables, which are the total claims resulting from transactions or events that are not a firm's ordinary 

大量翻译例句关于"trade receivables" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 non-collection of trade receivables takes into account [] credit-risk  Definition of non-trade receivable: An investment that should be converted to cash in a year after the investment had started. It is however advisable to segregate trade and non - trade receivables in your future balance sheets 不过,在日后的资产负债表上,最好把应收贸易帐款与应收非   Vendor non-trade receivables:供应商非贸易应收款项。这些款项通常是供应商在供货单所列项目之外所支付的、将支付给第三方款项。这类账目不以本公司出具发票来收取,而列入流动资产账户并且通常会在一年之内支付给第三方。 trade receivables的中文翻譯,trade receivables是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯trade receivables,trade receivables的中文意思,trade receivables的中文,trade receivables in Chinese,trade receivables怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。 en [Note to the Working Group: If the scope of the law envisaged by this Guide is limited to commercial goods, equipment and trade receivables, it may be unnecessary to decide whether there should be special conflict-of-laws rules for certain categories of intangible property, such as non-trade receivables, securities, bank deposits, letters of credit and intellectual property.

trade receivables 英文 - 中文字典的翻译 In the context of trade receivables financing, debtor notification forms the mechanism for binding the account debtor. non-trade receivables